I know, I know, I dropped off of blogger world for a...while. I have no REAL excuse, instead I have 27,658,924,123 teeny ones. Sigh, such is life.
Anyway, I feel like I need to just put it ALL out there. I have been busy being the encourager I said I wanted to be. (Go me!) However, with being an encourager I faced some immense heartache and pain. I wrote all about wanting to be there for friends and loved ones, and BOY God sent the masses...AT ONE TIME! (Thank you, Lord for the favor!) I confidently say that the Lord answers prayers. I will talk a bit about something things I have recently experienced. A very near and dear friend of mine found out she was pregnant! Her father in law passed away...so young...with cancer and she and her husband were just beginning to grieve that loss when they were blessed with the joyous news of their baby!!! It was so necessary to help ease the pain. They decided they were going to keep the gender a secret, so we began praying for precious baby K! We knew no matter he or she, that baby was a blessing from the Lord! He sent comfort to the broken hearted by way of this sweet miracle. Unfortunately, 13 weeks in, they went in for a routine visit and ultrasound to find a heartbreaking loss had occurred and they'd never even known. There was no baby... no heartbeat and no baby. Talk about needing to be strong, done. They are such a blessing to my soul and the blow to their already broken hearts was almost uncomprehendable. God gave me words to speak and tasks to complete. I felt like a pillar of strength when hugging them and holding their hands, but the second I walked away I found myself sobbing wondering WHY THEM? God is revealing things in my life daily...I am thankful that I depend on him for comfort. No sooner than this occured, my mother called me needing an encourager. Her marriage is under attack by the enemy. She began pouring out all the
"Yet the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen [you] and set you on a firm foundation and guard you from the evil [one]." 2 Thessalonians 3: 3
I'm thrilled to be back in the saddle! On a side note, I'm DYING for SPRING BREAK!!!!!